Customarily, when a nonprofit group decides to begin an aggressive grant writing program, they don't realize how much information will need to be conveyed to the person charged with putting their request on paper. Many of the items listed below are considered common knowledge within your organization, and putting them in writing for your "grant writer" is very helpful.

1.  Name of your Organization (as it appears on your 501(c)(3) and any AKAs


2.  Complete Address

3.  County in which your main office is located

4.  Telephone Number

5.  Fax Number

6.  EMail Address

7.  Web Site Address

8.  Name of the Spiritual Leader/Executive Director and date hired

9.  When was your religious organization/center established?

10.  Purpose (mission statement)

11.  Date of 501(c)(3) certification and IRS number

12.  Date of 509(a) certification (if received before 2009)


13.  Date of State tax exemption and document number (In California – 23701D)

14. CT# (Charitable Trust Number) from the California Attorney General’s office.

15.  Board structure and numbers (How involved are they)

16.   Fiscal year

17.   Number of full time employees

18.   Number of part time employees

19.   Number of volunteers

20.   Description of population served

21.   Number of people served in an average year

22.   Geographic area(s) served

23.   Names of other programs in your geographic area that provide similar services to the same population you serve

24.   What makes your organization different from theirs?

25.   Organization's primary source of income

26. Annual Budget for last fiscal year

27. Annual Budget for current year

28. Projected Budget for next year (if applicable)

29. Reasons for any Significant Budget deficits/changes, etc.

30. Do you receive funds from the United Way? If so, what percentage of your annual budget?

31.   Names of other nonprofit organizations your program works with (partners with) in the community

32.   Is your program an active member of any coalitions and/or community action groups?


33.   Previous grant history


34.   Previous fund raising history

35.   Major accomplishments of your organization


36.   Areas in which your organization is interested in obtaining grants

37. Do you have a strategic plan?

38. If yes, what are the beginning and ending dates?

39. Are you on track?

40. Anything else you'd like to add?

This form was developed by Penny Goforth of Grant Writing Specialists,

for free distribution

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